Personal Details

Date of Birth               29/9/1978

Telephone                   6945020663,

Email                 ,






Professional Details

Athens Medical Association Number: 058836

GMC Number:  6124389

License to Practice: Yes

Specialist Registration (Neurosurgery): Yes (since 7/2016)

Committees – Societies

International Association for Mapping the Brain: Member of the Scientific Committee (Specialty: Neurosurgery – White Matter Neuro-anatomy)

European Association of Neurosurgical Societies – EANS: Individual Member (IM) Delegate (Voted on 7/2020)

Greek Neurosurgical Society: Elected Member – Scientific committee on Surgical Neuro-Oncology (3 – member committee)

Member of the Greek American Neurosurgical Society (GANS)

European Association of Neurosurgical Societies – EANS: Section Member Neuro-Oncology and Skull Base

Current posts    

9/2021-         Academic Neurosurgeon ( interest in Surgical Neuro-Οncology, Brain Mapping and Skull Base ) Neurosurgery Department,

                      University of Athens, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece.

5/2020 –      Attending Neurosurgeon in Radiosurgery – Cyber knife Department, Iatropolis Medical Center, Athens, Greece

11/2016-      Head Athens Microneurosurgery Lab – University of Athens. Director: Prof. George Stranjalis

1/2019 –      Lecturer – MSc in Clinical and Experimental Neurosurgery (Medical School National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens Greece)

                   Topic: White matter and Skull Base Anatomy


Previous posts

11/2016- 8/2021     Neurosurgeon, Research Associate, interest in Surgical Neuro-Οncology, Brain Mapping and Skull Base Neurosurgery Department,                                                             University of Athens, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece.

2017-2019                Lecturer – MSc in Applied Neuroanatomy (Medical School National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens Greece, Directors: Prof E.                                             Johnson – Prof G. Stranjalis)Topic: White matter and Skull Base Anatomy

8/2016-10/2016     Senior Specialist Registrar Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, UK.

8/2015-8/2016       Post CCT Senior Clinical Fellow-Senior Specialist Neurosurgical Registrar (training post) interest in Surgical Neuro-Oncology and Skull Base                                             Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK

1/2015- 8/2015      Research Associate-Scientific Coordinator in Neuroanatomy Neurosurgery Department, University of Athens, Evangelismos Hospital.  Chair: Prof.                                    Damianos Sakas

2/2014- 12/2015    Research Fellow Athens Microneurosurgery Lab – University of Athens. Director: Prof. George Stranjalis



6/2018 – 8/2021    PhD in Neuroanatomy (with distinction) Thesis : Surface anatomy and subcortical architecture of the occipital lobe – Anatomy and Neurosurgery,                                 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

10/2016-6/2018   MSc  in Surgical Anatomy (with distinction-funded by the Greek Medical Council)–Department of Anatomy – National and Kapodistrian University                                   of Athens, Director: Prof P. Skandalakis

Thesis title: “Defining the relationship of the optic radiation to the roof and floor of the ventricular atrium. A focused microanatomic studypublished in Journal of Neurosurgery.

8/2015-10/2016    Senior Clinical Fellow-Senior Specialist Neurosurgical Registrar (Training post) Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Western General Hospital,                                    Edinburgh, UK

2/2014-12/2014    Research Fellow Microneurosurgery Lab – University of Athens. Director: Prof. George Stranjalis

    2/2014                Successfully passed the Neurosurgery Specialty License Exams. (FRCS equivalent)

1/2012-1/2014      Senior resident Neurosurgery Department-University of Athens, Evangelismos Hospital, Chair: Prof. Damianos. E. Sakas

6/2009-12/2011    Resident Neurosurgery Department-University of Athens -Evangelismos Hospital, Chair: Prof. Damianos. E. Sakas

9/2008-2/2009     Resident Neurology Department-251 Air force Military Hospital, Athens Greece (during 1 year obligatory national service)

7/2006-2/2008     Resident Department of General and Vascular Surgery Elpis Hospital, Athens Greece

5/2005-6/2006     Research Fellow (Brain trauma Microdialysis) Neurosurgery Department-University of Athens -Evangelismos Hospital, Chair: Prof. Damianos. E.                                        Sakas

4/2005                   Intercollegiate MRCS (Ed)

9/1998-2/2005      Medical Degree University of Athens –Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Medicine (Overall Mark 7, 15/10)



Senior Clinical Fellow, interest in Skull base and Surgical Neuro-Oncology ( 2015-2016) Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK

Research Fellow, Skull base and White Matter Anatomy (2014-2015), Athens Microneurosurgery Laboratory, Academic Department of Neurosurgery, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece.

Research Fellow, Brain Microdialysis (2005-2006), Academic Department of Neurosurgery, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece.

Editor – Reviewer

Brain and Behavior (IF = 2,091) – Reviewer

Reviews in the Neurosciences (IF = 3,358 – 5 year IF = 3,39) – Reviewer

Communications Biology (Nature) – Reviewer

Brain Sciences – Topic Editor

Surgical Neurology International (IF=1) – Reviewer

Journal of Clinical Medicine (IF =1, 88) – Reviewer

Journal of Integrative Neuroscience (IF=1, 19) – Reviewer

Scientific Reports ( IF = 4,38) – Reviewer

International PubMed Publications (50)

Original Research =26 

Original Research – First Author = 10

    1. Introducing the Posterior Condylar Emissary Vein as an Effective Surgical Landmark for Optimizing the Standard Retrosigmoid Approach: An Anatomo-Imaging Study Koutsarnakis C,  Drosos E, Komaitis S, Mazarakis NK, Neromyliotis E, Kalyvas AV, Troupis T, Stranjalis G. World Neurosurg. 2021 Dec 1;158:174-179. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.11.118. Online ahead of print.
    1. Deciphering the Fronto-striatal circuitry through the fiber dissection technique: Direct structural evidence on the morphology and axonal connectivity of the Fronto-caudate Tract. Komaitis S, Koutsarnakis C,  Lani E, Kalamatianos T, Drosos E, Skandalakis G, Liakos F, Liouta E, Kalyvas A, Stranjalis G. (equally contributing first authors) J Neurosurg. 2021 Jan 1:1-13. doi: 10.3171/2020.7.JNS201287.
    1. Mapping the human middle longitudinal fasciculus through a focused anatomo-imaging study: shifting the paradigm of its segmentation and connectivity pattern Kalyvas A, Koutsarnakis C, Komaitis S, Karavasilis E, Christidi F, Skandalakis G, Liouta E, Papakonstantinou O, Kelekis N, Duffau H, Stranjalis G. (equally contributing first authors) Brain Struct Funct. 2020 Jan;225(1):85-119. doi: 10.1007/s00429-019-01987-6.
    1. Mapping the superficial morphology of the occipital lobe: proposal of a universal nomenclature for clinical and anatomical use. Koutsarnakis C, Komaitis S, Drosos E, Kalyvas AV, Skandalakis GP, Liakos F, Neromyliotis E, Lani E, Kalamatianos T, Stranjalis G. Neurosurg Rev. 2019 Nov 22. doi: 10.1007/s10143-019-01212-2.
    1. Sledge runner fasciculus: anatomic architecture and tractographic morphology. Koutsarnakis C, Kalyvas AV, Skandalakis GP, Karavasilis E, Christidi F, Komaitis S, Velonakis G, Liakos F, Emelifeonwu J, Giavri Z, Kalamatianos T, Kelekis N, Stranjalis G. Brain Struct Funct. 2019 Apr; 224(3):1051-1066
    1. Defining the relationship of the optic radiation to the roof and floor of the ventricular atrium. A focused microanatomic study. Koutsarnakis C, Kalyvas AV, Komaitis S, Liakos F, Skandalakis GP, Anagnostopoulos C, Stranjalis G. J Neurosurg. 2018 May 4:1-12. doi: 10.3171/2017.10.JNS171836
    1. Approaching the Atrium through the Intraparietal Sulcus: Mapping the sulcal morphology and correlating the surgical corridor to underlying fiber tracts. Koutsarnakis C, Liakos F, Kalyvas AV, Liouta E, Emelifeonwu J, Kalamatianos T, Sakas DE, Johnson E, Stranjalis G. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2017 Aug 1;13(4):503-516.
    1. The Superior Frontal Transsulcal Approach to the anterior ventricular system: Exploring the sulcal and subcortical anatomy using anatomic dissections and DTI tractography. Koutsarnakis C, Liakos F, Kalyvas AV, Skandalakis GP, Komaitis S, Christidi F, Karavasilis E, Liouta E, Stranjalis G. World Neurosurg. 2017 Oct;106:339-354.
    1. The Cerebral Isthmus: Fiber tract anatomy, functional significance and surgical considerations. Koutsarnakis C, Liakos F,  Liouta E, Themistoclis K, Sakas DE, Stranjalis G. J Neurosurg.2016 Feb;124(2):450-62. doi: 10.3171/2015.3.JNS142680
    1. A laboratory manual for stepwise cerebral white matter fiber dissection. Koutsarnakis C, Liakos F, Kalyvas AV, Sakas DE, Stranjalis G. World Neurosurg.2015 Aug;84(2):483-93.


    Original Research – Senior Author = 6

    1. A stepwise laboratory manual for the dissection and illustration of limbic and paralimbic structures: lessons learned from the Klingler’s technique Komaitis S, Stranjalis G, Kalamatianos T, Drosos E , Kalyvas AV , Skandalakis GP, Liouta E, Charalampopoulou E, Mazarakis NK, Koutsarnakis C Surg Radiol Anat. 2022 Jul 5. doi: 10.1007/s00276-022-02981-0.
    1. The topography of the frontal terminations of the uncinate fasciculus revisited through focused fiber dissections: Shedding light on a current controversy and introducing the insular apex as a key anatomo-clinical area. Liakos F, Komaitis S, Drosos E, Neromyliotis E, Skandalakis GP, Gerogiannis IA, Kalyvas AV, Troupis T, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C. World Neurosurg. 2021 Jun 15:S1878-8750(21)00837-8. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2021.06.012.
    1. The Corticotegmental connectivity as an integral component of the descending extrapyramidal pathway. Novel and direct structural evidence stemming from focused fiber dissections. Komaitis S, Liakos F, Kalyvas AV,  Drosos E, Skandalakis GP, Neromyliotis E, Gerogiannis A, Troupis T, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C. Neurosurg Rev. – 2021 Feb. DOI: 10.1007/s10143-021-01489-2

     4. Dissecting the default mode network: direct structural evidence on the morphology and axonal connectivity of the fifth component of the cingulum bundle Skandalakis G, Komaitis S, Kalyvas AV, Lani E, Kontrafouri C, Drosos E, Liakos F,  Piagkou M, Placantonakis D, Golfinos J, Fountas K, Kapsalaki E, Hadjipanayis C, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C. J Neurosurg. 2020 Apr 24:1-12. doi: 10.3171/2020.2.JNS193177.

     5. The Frontal Longitudinal System as revealed through the fiber micro-dissection technique: Structural evidence underpinning the direct connectivity of the prefrontal-premotor circuitry. Komaitis S, , Kalyvas AV, Skandalakis GP Drosos E, Lani E, Emelifeonwu J, Liakos F, Piagkou M, Kalamatianos T, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C.  J Neurosurg. 2019 Oct 4:1-13. doi: 10.3171/2019.6.JNS191224

     6. Dorsal component of the superior longitudinal fasciculus revisited: novel insights from a focused fiber dissection study. Komaitis S, Skandalakis GP, Kalyvas AV, Drosos E, Lani E, Emelifeonwu J, Liakos F, Piagkou M, Kalamatianos T, Stranjalis G, Koutsarnakis C. J Neurosurg. 2019 Mar 1:1-14. doi: 10.3171/2018.11


    Original Research – Contributing Author = 10

    1. The Parieto-Occipital Artery Revisited: A Microsurgical Anatomic Study. Kalamatianos T, Mavridis IN, Karakosta E, Drosos E, Skandalakis GP, Kalyvas A, Piagkou M, Koutsarnakis C, Stranjalis G. World Neurosurg.  2019 Mar doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.02.215
    1. Defining the limits and indications of the Draf III endoscopic approach to the lateral frontal sinus and maximizing visualization and maneuverability: a cadaveric and radiological study Papatsoutsos E, Kalyvas A, Drosos E, Neromyliotis E, Koutsarnakis C, Komaitis S, Chatzinakis V, Stranjalis G, Georgalas C Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Mar 9. doi: 10.1007/s00405-022-07323-9
    1. Parietal association deficits in patients harboring parietal lobe gliomas: a prospective study. Liouta E, Stranjalis G, Kalyvas AV, Koutsarnakis C, Pantinaki S, Liakos F, Komaitis S, Stavrinou LC. J Neurosurg. 2018 Apr 1:1-7. doi: 10.3171/2017
    1. Parietal association deficits in patients harboring parietal lobe gliomas: A prospective study. Liouta E, Stranjalis G, Kalyvas AV, Koutsarnakis C, Pantinaki S, Liakos F, Komaitis S, Stavrinou LC. J Neurosurg.2018 May 4:1-7. doi: 10.3171/2017.12.JNS171799.
    1. Finger tapping and verbal fluency post-tap test improvement in INPH: its value in differential diagnosis and shunt-treatment outcomes prognosis. Liouta E, Gatzonis S, Kalamatianos T, Kalyvas A, Koutsarnakis C, Liakos F, Anagnostopoulos C, Komaitis S, Giakoumettis D, Stranjalis G. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2017 Dec; 159(12):2301-2307
    1. The Microsurgical Anatomy of the Orbitofrontal Arteries. Mavridis IN, Kalamatianos T, Koutsarnakis C, Stranjalis G. World Neurosurg. 2016 May;89:309-19.
    1. Effects of intracranial meningioma location, size, and surgery on neurocognitive functions: a 3-year prospective study. Liouta E, Koutsarnakis C, Liakos F, Stranjalis G. J Neurosurg. 2016 Jun;124(6):1578-84.
    1. Microsurgical Anatomy of the Precuneal Artery: Does It Really Exist? Clarifying an Ambiguous Vessel Under the Microscope. Mavridis IN, Kalamatianos T, Koutsarnakis C, Stranjalis G. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2016 Mar 1;12(1):68-76.
    1. Perioperative microdialysis in meningioma surgery: correlation of cerebral metabolites with clinical outcome. Balaka C, Stranjalis G, Kalamatianos T, Koutsarnakis C, Bouras T, Boviatsis E, Sakas DE. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2014 Dec;156(12):2275-82;
    1. PlGF and sVEGFR-1 in chronic subdural hematoma: implications for hematoma development.Kalamatianos T, Stavrinou LC, Koutsarnakis C, Psachoulia C, Sakas DE, Stranjalis G. J Neurosurg.2013 Feb;118(2):353-7.


    Invited Speaker

    • 6th Annual Course on Brain Mapping: A worldwide video Symposium (1-3/4/2022)

    Topic: White matter fiber dissection of the IFOF and MdLF (Video Demonstrations and Discussion)


    • 5th Annual Course on Brain Mapping: A worldwide video Symposium (20-21/3/2021)

     Topic: Language and Middle & Inferior longitudinal fasciculi


    • 2nd International Webinar of the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society on Neuro-oncology (27-28/2/21)

    Topic: Intra-operative Brain Mapping


    • Webinar organized by Advantis Medical Imaging (22/12/20)

    Topic: “Clinical applications of DTI and fMRI in Neuro-oncology: Neurosurgeon’s perspective

    Invited speakers: Christos Koutsarnakis, Foteini Christidi


    • 1st Webinar of the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society on Stereotactic Radiosurgery (28-29/11/20)

    Topic: The role of the Neurosurgeon in Stereotactic Radiosurgery treatment.


    • Fourth Annual Course in White Matter Surgery and Brain Mapping ( 4-5/3/2020) Anatomy Lab, Charring Cross, Imperial College London and National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London

    Topics 1) SLF and AF: Anatomy and importance in tumor resection

                2) How to set up a white matter anatomy laboratory

                3) Round table: Language Models with fMRI, DTI, psychology


    • Santo-Rhino II. Santorini Skull Base Meeting ( 26-28/9/2019)

    Topic: It’s the Anatomy. Skull Base- An open Perspective


    • 1st GANS Meeting – Greek-American Neurosurgical Society (4-6/8/2019)

    Topic: Understanding Hodotopy. The role of the white matter dissection technique in modern Neurosurgery


    • 33rd Annual Congress of the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society & 4th Congress of SEENS Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society (27-30/6/2019)

    Topic: Skull Base Approaches. Cavernous sinus, Petrosectomy, Retrosigmoid.


    • Annual Medical Symposium of Evangelismos Hospital (2/3/2018)

    Topic: The added value of Applied Neuroanatomy in Neurosurgery.


    • 31stNational Neurosurgical Conference (15-18/6/2017)

    Topic: White matter fiber tract anatomy and radiographic correlation.


    • 29th National Neurosurgical Conference

    Topics 1) Introduction to White Matter Dissection.

    2) Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A systematic review of the efficacy and complication profile of the available surgical interventions.


    • Scottish Neurosurgical training meeting (November 2016 Perth, Scotland)

    Topic: Temporal lobe anatomy


    Teaching Experience

    30-31/5/2021 Invited Faculty 2nd Athens Skull base Hands –on Course, organized by the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society

    16/5/2022-20/5/2022 Organizer-Convenor 6th International Neurosurgical Anatomy and White Matter Dissection course organized by The National Neurosurgical Society, the Academic Neurosurgical Department of Evangelismos Hospital and under the auspices of EANS. Scientific Director: George Stranjalis1-2/6/2021 Invited Faculty 1st Athens Skull base Hands –on Course, organized by the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society

    17/5/2021-21/5/2021 Organizer-Convenor 6th International Neurosurgical Anatomy and White Matter Dissection course organized by The National Neurosurgical Society, the Academic Neurosurgical Department of Evangelismos Hospital and under the auspices of EANS. Scientific Director: George Stranjalis

    4-5/3/2020 Invited Faculty 4th annual course in white matter surgery and Brain Mapping. Anatomy Lab, Charring Cross, Imperial College London and The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London. Convenor: Mr. George Samandouras

    6/11/2019-8/11/2019 Invited Faculty Neurosurgical Approaches to the Cranial Compartments.– Neurosurgery Course organized by the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, UK. Convenor Mr. Ioannis P. Fouyas.

    6/5/2019-10/5/2019 Organizer-Convenor 5th International Neurosurgical Anatomy and White Matter Dissection course organized by The National Neurosurgical Society, the Academic Neurosurgical Department of Evangelismos Hospital and under the auspices of EANS. Scientific Director: George Stranjalis

    3/10/2018-5/10/2018 Invited Faculty Neurosurgical Approaches to the Cranial Compartments.  Applied Neuroanatomy – Neurosurgery Course organized by the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, UK. Convenor Mr. Ioannis P. Fouyas.

    7/5/2018-11/5/2018 Trainer in the 4th International Neurosurgical Anatomy and White Matter Dissection course organized by The National Neurosurgical Society, the Academic Neurosurgical Department of Evangelismos Hospital and under the auspices of EANS. Scientific Director: George Stranjalis

    31/10/2017-2/11/2017 Invited Faculty Neurosurgical Approaches to the Cranial Compartments.  Applied Neuroanatomy – Neurosurgery Course organized by the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, UK. Convenor Mr. Ioannis P. Fouyas.

    29/5/2017-2/6/2017 Trainer in the 3rdInternational Neurosurgical Anatomy and White Matter Dissection course organized by The National Neurosurgical Society, the Academic Neurosurgical Department of Evangelismos Hospital and under the auspices of EANS. Scientific Director: George Stranjalis

    18/4/2016-22/4/2016 Invited faculty in the 2nd International Neurosurgical Anatomy and White Matter Dissection course organized by The National Neurosurgical Society, the Academic Neurosurgical Department of Evangelismos Hospital and under the auspices of EANS. Scientific Director: George Stranjalis

    20/4/2015-23/4/2015 Trainer in the 1st International Neurosurgical Anatomy and White Matter Dissection course organized by The National Neurosurgical Society, the Academic Neurosurgical Department of Evangelismos Hospital and under the auspices of EANS Scientific Director: George Stranjalis

    28/05/2014-30/05/2014 Trainer in the 3rd National Course in Neurosurgical Approaches to the Cranial Compartments Organized by The School of Medicine, University of Athens. Convenor: Prof. G. Stranjalis.

    29/05/2013-31/05/2013 Trainer in the 2ndNationalCourse in Neurosurgical Approaches to the Cranial Compartments Organized by The School of Medicine, University of Athens. Convenor: Prof. G. Stranjalis.

    2012 (Autumn Semester) Tutor in Clinical Semiology, ΜSc in ICU and Emergency Nursing, University of Athens, School of Medicine

    2011 (Autumn Semester) Tutor in Clinical Semiology, ΜSc in ICU and Emergency Nursing, University of Athens, School of Medicine


    International Conference Presentations

    Pre and Post-Operative Gait Analysis of: a) DBS-STN and b) Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Patients.

    Presented at the 5th Meeting of the International Society for Hydrocephalus and CSF Disorders, 30/06/2013, Athens, Greece

    Darras N., Liouta E., Liakos F., Koutsarnakis C., Stathis P. Sakas D., Stranjalis G.

    Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS), and/or Peripheral Subcutaneous Field Stimulation (PSFS) in the Treatment of Drug-Resistant Chronic Pain. A Single Center Experience of 72 Patients.

    Presented at the XIV Congress of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 22/09/2010. Athens, Greece. 

    Koutsarnakis C., Korfias S., Themistocleous M, Sakas D.E.

    A Twelve Year Hospital Outcome on Patients with Idiopathic Hydrocephalus.

     Presented at the 5th International Hydrocephalus Workshop, 20/05/2010, Crete, Greece.

    Koutsarnakis C., Stavrinou L., Kalamatianos T, Loufardaki M, Stranjalis G


    Neuroanatomy Courses Attended

    19/11/13-21/11/2013 Neurosurgical Approaches to the Cranial Compartments. Neurosurgery Course organized by the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, UK. Convenor Mr. Ioannis P. Fouyas.

    27/11/2012-29/11/2012 Neurosurgical Approaches to the Cranial Compartments. Neurosurgery Course organized by the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, UK. Convenor Mr. Ioannis P. Fouyas.

    13/04/2011-15/04/2011 Approaches to the Cranial Compartments. Course Organized by the Neurosurgery Department, University of Athens, Greece. Convenor: Professor Damianos E. Sakas.

    13/11/2011-15/11/2011 Neurosurgical Approaches to the Cranial Compartments. Neurosurgery Course organized by the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, UK. Convenor Mr. Ioannis P. Fouyas.

    16/11/2010-18/11/2010 Neurosurgical Approaches to the Cranial Compartments.Neurosurgery Course organized by the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh. Convenor Mr. Ioannis P. Fouyas.

    27/10/2010-01/11/2010 Hands-on Course: Sulci, Gyri, Ventricles and Dissecting Fibers.

    Course organized by the Life and Health Sciences Research Institute, School of Health Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. Convenors: Evadro de Oliveira, Carlos Alegria and Cecilia Leão



    A new access kit for the first placement and revision procedure of the ventricular catheter using the “over the wire” technique.

    Patented by the Hellenic Industrial Property Organization (2014).



    • The cerebral isthmus: Definition, fiber tract anatomy and functional considerations.

    1st Prize for the best oral presentation on the 29th National Neurosurgical Conference


    • Surface Anatomy of the temporal lobe with emphasis on the topographic architecture of the temporal pole

    1st Prize for the best Poster Presentation on the 4th Congress of SEENS – Southeast Europe Neurosurgical Society (27-30/6/2019)



    Greek (native)

    English (Certificate of Proficiency, University of Michigan)

    IELTS (2015) (academic module overall score: 8 /9)


    Personal Interests

    Art, Literature, Cinema, Physical Exercise